Latest innovation in Wind Turbine to enhance the producing wind energy

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There are new type of wind turbine that does not require wind orientation, provides stable operation during storm wind and other unfavourable weather conditions. The technology also claims low noise level which is multiple times decreased comparatively to traditional three-blade wind turbines, as well as capability to naturally accommodate solar panels in its construction, which increases energy output per unit occupying the same area.

Globally wind Power industry sector is ready for disruption. Historically, the power sector was characterized by a mature technology and a stable legal framework that guaranteed the profitability of the business: companies were managed according to the excellence of their technical criteria.However, due to the sector’s social and economic impact, companies are under strong pressure to improve their efficiency to achieve not only greater cost competitiveness, but also an outstanding level of environmental performance.

This situation differs from one region to another, because of the different market growth levels:

• Mature markets, characterized by slow growth, typically experience a high level of competitiveness between players (as is the case in many European Union countries and the United States).

• Developing markets, such as South America, Asia or Africa, tend to have higher rates of growth coupled with a lower level of competitiveness. These circumstances tend to create more opportunities for doing business (and/or investments) in new markets and providing new services.

Additionally, power companies are under pressure to demonstrate responsible practices, innovation, flexibility, sustainability, resilience and tolerance.

As per Deloitte, it is due to the sector’s social and economic impact, companies are under strong pressure to improve their efficiency to achieve not only greater cost competitiveness, but also an outstanding level of environmental performance.


It is fact that, economic growth in many nations is no longer tied to increases in the consumption of fuel, as energy efficiency has increased and as the sectors leading economic expansions are less energy intensive than the heavy industries of the past. Power generation sector is the greatest source of pollution producing about 40% of CO2 emission and 25% of total emission to the atmosphere. According to Kyoto Protocol, a challenging task was set to reduce emission by 25-40% by 2020. Due to COVID it was not fully achieved as desired.

Wind energy is a renewable, environmentally -friendly and inexhaustible source of energy, while wind-power engineering is a rapidly developing branch of national economy. It has been seen that the energy prices decrease with the growth of its output volume. As per a report, from world statistics horizontal axis wind turbines or HAWT (three-blade wind turbines) with wind wheel axis parallel to the ground comprise 95% of overall amount of wind turbines. The remaining 5% fall to vertical axis wind turbines or VAWT( with rotary axis perpendicular to the ground surface).

It is a proven fact that, the advantage of VAWT is that, they operate irrespective of wind direction, though their energy efficiency is 2-3 times lower than that is three-blade system due to their aerodynamic properties, primarily conditioned by the necessity to rotate their blades into the wind.

There are innovations in wind turbine has vertical axis design therefore it does not require wind positioning as opposed to HAWTs. By utilization of turbine technologies and unique design provide for two times greater air current utilization coefficient in Earthwind VAWT aerodynamics turbine than that of existent three-blade design HAWTs.

Finally, the successful wind tunnel tests and field tests of EarthWind wind turbines showed significant advantage of designed concept over current world level in wind power industry.

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