Videonetics with Kolkata Traffic Police to celebrate Road Safety Week 2018

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Videonetics has partnered with Kolkata Traffic Police by showcasing its complete suite of Intelligent Traffic Management System at the exhibition held from 10th to 12th January 2018 at Kolkata, in celebration of Road Safety Week 2018.
The exhibition was organized with an aim to propagate Kolkata Police’s mission of “Safe Drive & Save Life”. The exhibition was well attended by Sr Police Officials, Engineering and Technology Firms, Road Engineering, Traffic Management experts and Urban Planners from all over India, Bangladesh, Nepal and other SAARC countries.
Videonetics demonstrated its Intelligent Traffic Monitoring Solution comprising of Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR), Red Light Violation Detection (RLVD), No Helmet Detection, Overspeed Detection, No Parking Detection, Wrong Way Detection, Traffic Congestion Detection and automated Echallan system.
“As our country’s mission is to build safe & smart cities and creating safer environment for all, we at Videonetics have been innovating state-of-the art technologies to meet challenging requirements of traffic management, aiming to deter traffic violations, reduce accidents and provide road safety to all,” expressed Avinash Trivedi, VP -Videonetics.

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