Stomach too empty and pocket too empty : Dr. Ved Pratap Vaidik

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The fourth round of lockout has started. The central government did well to give the state governments the right to decide where and how much they should lock and how their relations with other states should also be maintained. Corona casualties continue to rise despite the heat.


An indication of this is also that India will have to be more careful for the next two-three months. Meanwhile, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman made 20 lakh crores. The relief has been announced in five instalments. Opposition parties have called it blatant and pretentious, but if their declarations could actually be implemented, there would be some benefit to the country’s agriculture, small industries and arms-manufacturing sectors.


Many economists were of the opinion that Rs 20 lakh crore. It is not more than three-four lakh crore relief. Most of the reliefs have been taken from the annual budget and added to this corona relief. This is a blank jargon.


Even if we consider it as exaggerated criticism, the main question is that how will India’s economy, which has been completely lame in the last two months, gain momentum? According to the world-renowned organization Goldman Sachs, in three months the Indian economy will shrink by about 45 percent and India’s overall product (GDP) will decline by 5 percent.


To bring the economy back on track, the most important is the demand in the markets and money in the hands of the people. You have given Rs 3 lakh crore to small-scale industries. He announced to give loan, but also thought that when there is no money in the pocket of buyers, then how will the goods manufactured in factories sell?


Why would the factory-maker want to press under the debt? Congratulations on increasing the wages and total amount of MNREGA for the migrant laborers, but please tell them that when they are sitting in the villages, Rs. 202. Daily and free food grains will be given, so why will they return to the cities?


If they are to be returned, factories are to be run and the markets are to be brightened, then like America, Canada, England and Germany, millions of farmers and laborers should be given a living or alimony for at least two to three months. It is difficult to bring the economy back on track without filling empty stomachs and empty pockets.


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