“We are looking at our involvement in healthcare and education…”

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Founded in 1997, Zebronics is a multimedia speaker, IT peripherals, LED TV, air coolers & surveillance solutions brand with a mission to provide products which are great on design, performance, yet so easy on pocket that every household in the country can afford. Like any other world-class companies, Zebronics is proud of its success, but it also does not stop them from doing even better.

For Zebronics, CSR has always been at a very personal level. The good part is that even before the CSR mandate was passed in 2013, Zebronics has been doing such philanthropic activities and the mandate has not changed the way the company looks at CSR. In fact the company believes in being a socially active company and taking a small step forward with its employees in building a bright future for everyone. Going ahead, healthcare and education would be the 2 areas where Zebronics would steer its maximum focus on. Throwing more light on this, Rajesh Doshi, Director, Zebronics shares with SPOI about its recent CSR initiatives and about its CSR vision for 2017.

Would you tell us about Zebronics’ CSR projects?

CSR has always been a vital part of the Zebronics brand. Zeb Tech, Zeb Learn, Zeb Environment, Zeb Health form the key divisions under our CSR wing. Some of our key initiatives are –
Zeb Tech: Under Zeb Tech we undertake educational activities, wherein we conduct GK based learning programs in school. We have had close to 750+ schools that we have worked with and pushed students to participate in quiz rounds, debates etc.

Zeb Learn: Through Zeb Learn programs we visit orphanages, spend some quality time with the kids and conduct interactive activities along with funding their educational needs.
Zeb Environment: Under our Zeb Environment initiative, we take immense pride in proclaiming and volunteering to clean our beaches and several other initiatives to keep the Mother earth clean. We have been an active part of the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan by taking to the streets and doing our bit in cleaning. Very recently, we have also given away saplings to plant on the marina beach in aid of Vardah.

Zeb Health: Under our Zeb health initiative, we have set up a clinic on the outskirts of Chennai (funded by us) which focuses on providing consultation with the doctor and free medication. We also support an Aged home, where recently we have provided a yoga instructor to take classes, especially for senior citizens.

Challenges faced in implementing CSR projects?

We have not faced any challenges when it comes to CSR implementation. Initially we started out small and became involved with several small-time projects. After a period of time we collaborated with several NGO organizations that enriched us and assisted us in the implementation of projects which turned out to be successful. We feel small steps drive us to bigger goals of life; it needs to be balanced with the right eco system and vision.

What is your CSR vision for 2017?

We wish to serve the underprivileged and the marginalized, so we ensure to involve ourselves right from the beginning. We would like to sentimentalize every experience and hence spend a lot of quality time to build memories. Our CSR is on a very personal level if you ask, we have allotted days to be involved in the coast clean up or spending hours on educating kids or engaging them in fun activities.

What is your mantra of running a successful CSR program?

As I have mentioned earlier, it should not be forced upon you. It should come from within and the goodness within us. Every small activity lets us cherish memories in the future and it doesn’t limit to that alone. As you see a change, you become a process of change too.

What kind of investments does Zebronics makes into CSR?

The CSR mandate has not changed the way we look at CSR. We at Zebronics believe in taking a step forward and being a socially active organization by joining hands and creating a better future. Giving back to the society is the whole idea behind CSR activities. This is the reason we involve our own in-house team and not rely largely on any third-party activities. For us CSR is not just an expense; we put our heart and soul into every activity that we undertake and truly believe in doing good with the work we are doing.

How do you plan to position your company in CSR & Sustainability?

We are planning to increase the footprint in most cities. We are constantly working on expanding and evolving our CSR activities. Our involvement in healthcare and education is something we are looking at in a detailed perspective. For the ongoing year, we are also doing a lot of activities with regards to the environment and sustainability.

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