The Delhi High Court on Tuesday sought the response of the Aam Aadmi Party government, the police and the Election Commission after a petition challenged Rs 10,000 fine levied on an auto-rickshaw driver for displaying an “I love Kejriwal” poster on his vehicle, PTI reported. The driver, identified as Rajesh, was penalised on January 15 for the poster, as he said that he was not asked to put up the poster by any political party, and claimed he did it on his own last year. The driver claimed the traffic…
Month: January 2020
CAA has created a war like situation: BJP MLA Narayan Tripathi
BJP MLA from Maihar, Madhya Pradesh, Narayan Tripathi has again created controversy by issuing a controversial statement against CAA, by saying that CAA is creating a war-like situation in the country. His party BJP on the other hand, is holding pro CAA rallies to spread awareness on the citizenship act. The party members said that they will try to convince Tripathi in favour of CAA, like they are convincing others. Tripathi said that issues like unemployment, poverty and illiteracy should be spoken about. “Doing politics of vote by…
PM Modi confident of India defeating Pakistan in 10 days
Prime Minister Modi is confident that India is now capable of making its arch rival Pakistan “bite the dust” in less than 10 days in any new war. The nuclear-armed neighbours have fought three wars and last February came close to a fourth with tit-for-tat airstrikes sparked by an attack on CRPF soldiers in Kashmir’s Pulwama. “Pakistan has already lost three wars to us. Our armed forces will not take more than 7-10 days to make Pakistan bite the dust,” PM Modi said in a speech to military…
NPR faces new hurdle as Bihar, Odisha raise objections
The National Population Register(NPR) exercise that is scheduled to begin from April 1 and go on till September 30 is now facing a new hurdle as Bihar and Odisha too have raised objections to questions regarding parents’ information. Bihar CM Nitish Kumar said, “The National Population Register (NPR) has been there since 2011, it’s not a new thing. But the new questions added to it are likely to create confusion. Not everyone knows their parents’ birth date. We believe the old format should continue”, he said. The six new parameters…
Maharashtra govt like horror film will end soon: Devendra Fadnavis
Former Maharashtra CM and senior BJP Leader Devendra Fadnavis said that Maha Vikas Aghadi (Shiv Sena, NCP, and Congress alliance) like a horror film will end soon. This comment came after senior Congress leader Ashok Chavan remarked that the three-party government like a multi starrer film, will surely complete its term. Long time allies BJP and Shiv Sena had a bitter split in 2019, when the latter went along with Congress and NCP to form a new party, Maha Vikas Aghadi. Referring to Chavan’s statement that Shiv Sena…
Anurag Thakur gets EC notice over ‘goli maaro saal*n ko’ slogan at a rally
The Election Commission (EC) on Tuesday sent a notice to BJP leader Anurag Thakur over ‘gooli maro’ (shoot them) slogans raised in an election rally in Rithala. The poll panel found him in violation of Code of conduct and Thakur has been given time till 12 pm on January 30 to reply. The EC notices came after the Delhi Chief Electoral Officer (CEO) office on Tuesday submitted reports on the “provocative” language used by Thakur while canvassing for their party candidates contesting the Delhi Assembly polls, officials said. …
19 year old woman allegedly raped in Nagpur
A 19 year old girl was brutally raped in Nagpur, after an iron rod was inserted in her private parts. The incident took place on January 21, said the police. The accused had stuffed a piece of cloth in her mouth and raped her after she fell unconscious. The accused was working as a supervisor in a spinning mill where the woman was employed as a labourer, the police said. The woman, her brother, the accused and another girl lived in rented accommodations in Pardi. Inspector Sunil Chavan…
Maharashtra govt launches Shiv Bhojan scheme
Shiv Sena led Maharashtra govt has launched the Rs. 10 plate scheme on January 26, on a pilot basis. The much awaited Shiv Bhojan scheme is aimed at providing a meal to those with low financial conditions. The plates or thalis will be available at designated places or canteens during a stipulated time in all districts. In Mumbai, the Shiv Bhojan scheme was launched by district guardian minister Aslam Sheikh at the civic-run Nair hospital. A similar center was inaugurated by Tourism minister and Mumbai suburban district guardian minister Aditya Thackeray.…
IndiGo and Air India ban comedian Kunal Kamra
IndiGo airlines has barred stand up comedian Kunal Kamra for six months. The domestic carrier took the step after the comedian roasted a TV anchor onboard their flight. An official statement from the airline said, “In light of the recent incident on board 6E 5317 from Mumbai to Lucknow, we wish to inform that we are suspending Kunal Kamra from flying with IndiGo for a period of six months, as his conduct onboard was unacceptable behaviour.” The airlines also advised its passengers to refrain from indulging in personal slander…
Mumbai’s ‘Shaheen Bagh’ like protests continues
The heat of the protests against CAA and NRC can be felt in South Mumbai’s Nagpada area where a group of housewives and young students squatting on a road showed no signs of fatigue, as they spiritedly raised slogans opposing the new citizenship law while hailing the Hindu-Muslim unity in the country. At least 100 women, who have been sitting on a side road in Nagpada area since January 26 night against the CAA, NRC, NPR regime, on Tuesday vowed to hold their ground like their Shaheen Bagh counterparts…